Poker Rules

Poker Rules

Hands Rankings

Poker has many variants in it. However, most of them are about creating the best five-card in hand. Among those Texas Hold’em, also called the community card game, is a famous one.

Following are the valid hands in it, from the highest to lowest ranking order.

  • A Royal Flush, also known as Ace High Straight Flush, is a combination of Ace, King, Queen, Jack and 10, all from the same suit. When there is a tie between players the pot is divided equally.
  • Straight Flush is a combination of 5 cards in order from the same suit. When there is a tie among players, the one with the highest card sequence wins.
  • Four of a Kind is a combination of 4 cards all with the same value. When there is a tie among players, the hand with the highest Four of a Kind value wins. wins.
  • Full House is a combination of 3 cards of the same value and two of another. When there is a tie among players, the hand with 3 cards of the highest value wins.
  • Flush is a combination of 5 cards from the same suit. When there is a tie among players, the hand with the highest card value wins.
  • Straight is a combination of 5 cards in order regardless of suit. When there is a tie among players, the hand with the highest card order wins.
  • Three of a Kind is a combination of 3 cards out of 5 that are the same. When there is a tie among players, the hand with the highest 3 cards wins.
  • Two Pair is a combination of 3 cards out of 5 that are the same. When there is a tie among players, the hand with the highest 3 cards wins.
  • One Pair is of no combination - just the highest card. When there is a tie among players, the hand with the highest card wins.
  • High Card is a combination of 2 matched value cards. When there is a tie among players, the hand with the highest pair card wins.

10 Quick Poker Tips

  • Play minimum hands aggressively.
  • Never be the first player to limp.
  • Aggressively with draws.
  • Fast-play strong hands.
  • Defend big blinds with right hands.
  • It’s better to fold when unsure.
  • Never miss attacking when you see weakness in the opponent.
  • Don’t worry about survival, play solid.
  • Play only when you feel like.
  • Play only on good games.

Yes, that’s all with the rules. Start playing!